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Smoke Testing Starts May 1

  • South Uptown Neighborhood Association 3501 Aldrich Avenue South Minneapolis, MN, 55408 United States (map)

The Surface Water and Sewers Division of Public Works is preparing to smoke test a portion of the sanitary sewers in Ward 10 including within South Uptown.  Since 2007 the City has been smoke testing to identify and eliminate connections of “clear” stormwater from the sanitary sewer.  During smoke testing non-toxic smoke is used to identify leaks or faulty connections that may allow rainwater into the sanitary sewer system, which can overflow in a significant storm.  This work minimizes risks to human and environmental health posed by overflows and reduces costs to the City to treat water at the wastewater treatment plant.


This map shows where Public Works is planning to smoke test starting the week of May 1.  Testing on each block only takes a few days and city-wide smoke testing will be complete by early July. Written notice and a fact sheet about smoke testing will be sent to all impacted properties and will provide door hangers prior to testing with information on where to call with questions/ concerns.


Here is a link to the web page: Smoke Testing - City of Minneapolis (