Join the South Uptown Board or Committees!

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association wants to invite more residents, especially renters and people of color, to participate in the organization better reflecting the neighborhood’s population. There are several volunteer opportunities available now as we work towards the goal of a safe, equitable and connected community. Please contact us at for more information and to join a online meeting.

  • Board of Directors: There is one vacancy on the 9 member Board and we’re looking to fill it on November 17. Board Members oversee the nonprofit South Uptown organization while attending monthly meetings and working on projects. The candidate would serve out the remainder of a two-year term through September 2023. If you’re interested, here is the South Uptown Board of Directors Application Form.

  • Development Committee: Meets monthly to work on ways to raise funds for the South Uptown nonprofit including online donations, a member drive and grant fundraising.

  • Land Use & Transportation Committee: Meets monthly to review development and transportation projects.

  • Livability & Engagement Committee: Meets monthly to organize community-building events, manage social media and implement projects to keep the neighborhood clean and green.

  • Neighborhood Revitalization Committee: Meets quarterly to oversee and implement Neighborhood revitalization Program (NRP) projects related to public safety and housing.