Minneapolis Public Works will deploy quick build traffic calming along the W. 31st and 36th Street corridors later this month. The project is part of the City’s Vision Zero effort to promote safe driving, reduce traffic speeds, improve pedestrian visibility and reduce crossing distances. View details of improvements on this interactive map: https://cityoflakes.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=128aa061c2b74e999468d2cd1d796c74
The safety improvements planned include pedestrian bump-outs and “hardened center lines”, which refers to a series of 3 plastic bollards placed on the center line before an intersection. It helps to reduce the speeds of left turns significantly improving safety. The specific locations of improvements planned in South Uptown include:
31st Street
Hennepin Ave: hardened centerlines all legs of intersection
Girard Ave: bumpout SW corner only
Fremont Ave: bumpouts SW and NE corners
Colfax Ave: bumpouts SW and NE corners
Aldrich Ave: bumpout NE corner only
Lyndale Ave: bumpout SW corner only, hardened centerlines all legs of intersection
36th Street
Colfax Ave: bumpouts SW and NE corners
Aldrich Ave: bumpouts SW and NE corners
Lyndale Ave: hardened centerlines all legs of intersection