South Uptown Passes Resolution about 3501 Hennepin Project

On May 19th, the South Uptown Neighborhood Association approved a resolution  regarding the proposed 3501- 3525 Hennepin Ave project. It expresses concern about the bulk and massing of the proposed structure particularly the 5-story portion along the alley. 

The Lander Group plans to construct a 74-unit, 3-5 story apartment building replacing four structures and preserving the corner building. To move forward, the project requires rezoning, setback and parking variances, a conditional use permit for height, and lot coverage and impervious surface allowances. The Minneapolis Planning Commission will consider the project during their online meeting Monday, June 1, 4:30pm. Neighbors can view the meeting online here:

Neighbors can testify during the Public Hearing section of the meeting here: 

Contact City Planner Aaron Hanauer at (612) 673- 2494 or for more info or to submit comments.