Support the Bryant Square Park Concert Series

Live, outdoor music is back at the Bryant Square Park amphitheater this summer! Concerts run most Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00PM from June 17 - August 19. Please consider donating $10, $25 or more to support performers and make the concert experience fun for everyone. South Uptown is contributing a $1,000 challenge grant matching contributions dollar for dollar.

Stop by South Uptown's Little Free Libraries

The two little free libraries owned by the neighborhood association moved to new hosts in April. One library sits at 3340 Girard and the other at 3148 Colfax Avenue S. Stop by to leave a book and then take a book. It’s fun to see the books that neighbors want to share. The libraries will move again to new homes in July.

LFL3340Girard library 1.jpg
LFL3148Colfax library 2.jpg

Support the Bryant Square Park Concert Series

Neighborhood Survey -

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association (SUNA) is collecting feedback, input, and priorities from the people who live in the neighborhood in order to develop a strategic plan for the next 3 years. Your input will help identify issues and shape the priorities for SUNA to better serve our community in the future. As a reward for completing the survey, participants will enter a drawing and one lucky person will win a $100 gift card for Pizza Luce, and 2 lucky people will win a $50 gift card to Black Walnut Bakery or Zoe's Cafe. Your email will be collected for the sole purposes of preventing duplicates of member surveys and to contact the raffle winners. Deadline for completing the survey is on April 2, 11:59pm CST.

Over 600 pounds of food collected and $10,294 collected for Joyce Food Shelf

The 2021 Chili Fest Fundraiser was a HUGE success!!! Over 600 pounds of food was collected yesterday and $10,294 was collected over the past week. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to the Chili Fest. Whatever form or amount the donation was, it made a difference. Ackberberg Group, Spectacle Shoppe, Kevin Reese, Frederick Keen, Philip AuClaire, Todd & JoAnn Monson, Matt Lewis, Douglas Schairer, Carol & Jeremy, McClosky Family, Eagle Ridge Partners, Caleb Cox, Brenda Schwob, Brendan Donohue, Cheryl Hagen and many, many more.

2021 Chili Fest Fundraiser goes Virtual - donate today! - Original Goal Met, A Second Goal Set and Met, Now A THIRD GOAL SET! $6,000

24th Annual South Uptown Chili Fest February 22- 28, 2021


A virtual fundraiser for the Joyce Uptown Food Shelf is being done since we cannot gather this year to share delicious chili, but South Uptown folks can still help neighbors experiencing food insecurity through the Chili Fest Fundraiser. Donate at:

Contributions to the Food Shelf are doubled due to a $1,000 “challenge grant” from the South Uptown Neighborhood Association.

Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar amplifying its’ impact Making sure our neighbors do not go hungry. This financial goal has been met, a new goal has been set of $6,000 by midnight Sunday, February 28, 2021. No matter the size of your donation, every single dollar makes a difference, collectively, we make a difference. This is the THIRD financial goal that has been set - collectively we make a difference and it is showing!!!

Food Drive at Joyce Uptown Food Shelf (3041 Fremont Ave S.) Sunday, February 28, Noon- 2:00PM help Fill the Van with these most needed items:

• Non-perishable food items • Diapers (Sizes 4, 5 & 6)

• Personal hygiene products (Soap, deodorant, etc.)

• Laundry and dish soap

For more info contact

Chili Fest.jfif

New South Uptown Mission & Strategic Planning Starts Soon

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association approved a new Mission Statement for the organization during their last meeting: "Improve the well-being of the South Uptown Neighborhood by fostering a safe, equitable, and connected community.” The statement was crafted based on community and Board of Directors input over the last few months and better reflects the neighborhood association’s focus and work. It is also the first step in the development of a Strategic Plan for the organization. South Uptown will work with GVC Consultants over the coming months to gather more neighbor input and draft a plan guiding work over the next 3+ years. Watch South Uptown social media for updates on the strategic planning effort, and contact to get involved.

Bryant Ave Reconstruction featured at 1/19 South Uptown Meeting

Bryant Ave Reconstruction featured at 1/19 South Uptown Meeting

South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting

Tuesday, January 19, 7PM on Zoom

* Email to get meeting link.

The City of Minneapolis is planning to reconstruct Bryant Avenue S. from Lake to 50th Streets starting in 2022. Join the online meeting to find out what they propose for the street including tree line boulevards, pedestrian bump-outs, a bike trail, one-side parking and shifting the bus to Lyndale Avenue. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and receive feedback. For more info check out the project website:

Also on the Agenda…

* South Uptown Mission Conversation

* Socially-Distant, Outdoor Events

Public Safety Open House

Wednesday, December 16, 6:30pm on Zoom
* Email to get meeting link.


Join your South Uptown neighbors for an  online Open House addressing crime and safety in the neighborhood. MPD 5th Precinct Inspector Amelia Huffman will be on hand to share crime statistics and prevention tips, as well as address questions and concerns. Huffman leads the 5th Police Precinct which extends through all of southwest Minneapolis west of I35W and south of I394.

 All South Uptown residents, business owners, and property owners (18+) are encouraged to attend. We strive to make meetings friendly and informative. For more info visit or contact

Show #WhyILoveSUptown by Contributing on November 19!

Please support South Uptown’s first Give to the Max Day fundraiser by contributing to the organization on November 19. Then make sure to spread the word through your social media network directing neighbors to the fundraising page and using the tag #WhyILoveSUptown. Think about the ways South Uptown Neighborhood Association makes connections amongst neighbors through community building events, Place-making projects and neighborhood improvement initiatives. Your financial support will keep the organization and neighborhood strong ensuring we can work together to build community for years to come.

South Uptown Office Update

Last winter, South Uptown Neighborhood Association moved out of their small, basement office at Aldrich Church (3501 Aldrich Avenue S.) to make way for construction of the Center for Belonging (CFB). The renovation of the 7,500 square foot space has transformed a dated church basement into modern offices for five nonprofits focused on community and wellness, including South Uptown. Over the coming months Ace in the City, Emerge Mother's Academy, Render Free, Rooted Green Wellness, and Wayside Recovery will move into the CFB following COVID19 precautions.

Besides offices, the Center features renovated common spaces, restrooms and kitchen/ cafe, as well as space for childcare and a future food shelf. Aldrich Church also is in the midst of a renovation to their spaces on the upper two floors including the addition of an elevator making the building accessible to the public. South Uptown's office has expanded by around 30% to around 200 square feet better meeting the organization's needs, and we look forward to a time the facilities can welcome in neighbors.

South Uptown Board of Directors Election Results

Welcome 2020/ 2021 South Uptown Board of Directors!

Six members were elected to the South Uptown Board of Directors on September 16, three of whom are returning and three new to the Board. They will join current Board Members Justin Gardiner, Dylan McMahon, and Sophie Snow. The nine-member Board will start the new South Uptown fiscal year October 1 overseeing the nonprofit organization.

This year the election took place online due to COVID19 precautions over a 24-hour period. Most candidates were able to introduce themselves during the online Annual Meeting on September 15. Neighbors chose the following from a list of 10 candidates:

  • Ashley Bredeson

  • Jerome Chateau

  • Max Ellis

  • Brad Klein

  • Rollie Olson

  • Robert Raike

Congratulations and welcome!

2020 South Uptown Annual Meeting

South Uptown Annual Meeting

Tuesday, September 15, 6:30 PM on Zoom

Email to get Zoom meeting link.

Celebrate the South Uptown neighborhood with your neighbors during this online event. Northpond Partners will provide an update about their redevelopment plans for the shopping center formerly known as Calhoun Square.

Also on the Agenda...

* Board of Directors Intros & Election

* 2020 Highlights

* MN Rep. Jamie Long & MN Sen. Scott Dibble

All South Uptown residents, business owners, and property owners (18+) are eligible to participate and vote for the Board. Candidate profiles will be posted on September 11 with the online election taking place starting at 8am on September 15. Visit for details.

Board of Directors Election & Meet the Candidates

South Uptown Neighborhood Association

2020 Board of Directors Election

The online election of six Board Members will take place starting at 8AM on Tuesday, September 15 until 8AM on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. All South Uptown residents (including renters and homeowners), business owners, and property owners (18+) are considered members of the organization and eligible to vote for the Board. Please complete this Voter Registration Form to certify eligibility and receive an online ballot:

There are ten candidates for the Board of Directors, and you can view their Candidate Profiles here.

·      Ashley Bredeson

·      Westyn Bodell

·      Jerome Chateau

·      Max Ellis

·      Brad Klein

·      Tyler Lifke

·      Sam Miller

·      Rollie Olson

·      Robert Raike

Ward 10 Community Gathering

You are invited to join Ward 10 Council Member Lisa Bender for a virtual community gathering. 

Tuesday, August 25  

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

All Ward 10 residents are invited to attend.

This meeting is hosted by ECCO Neighborhood Association.

Registration required:

You will need to register in advance for this meeting at:

Due to Zoom limitations, attendance is capped at 100 people. Zoom link for the meeting will be emailed to registered individuals on the morning of Tuesday, August 25 by Tina or D'Ana from the Ward 10 office (you may need to check junk/spam folders).

What you can expect:

Ward 10 Council Member Lisa Bender will present a City and Ward 10 update. Residents will be invited to submit questions. There are many wonderful things happening in the Ward and we will finish up with updates from our Neighborhood Organizations.

Become a Board Member

Did you know the South Uptown Neighborhood Association is overseen by a 9-member Board of Directors and that they are elected by fellow neighbors to represent the community? Please consider running for the Board to get active and improve your local neighborhood. All South Uptown residents (including renters and homeowners), business owners, and property owners are considered members and eligible to run for a Board seat. Board Members oversee the South Uptown nonprofit organization, work on community improvement projects, and work to address issues facing the neighborhood. It's fun and a great way to act local and be involved in a positive way.

Click here

for more information and to apply for the Board with the election taking place during the September 15 South Uptown Annual Meeting. This year we are especially interested in recruiting renters, as well ask neighbors with skills in fundraising, social media, and nonprofit strategic planning. Contact for more info.

2020 South Uptown Garden Tour is July 18

2020 South Uptown Garden Tour

Saturday, July 18, 9am- 8pm 

Join the 23rd annual event featuring fabulous South Uptown gardens! This year’s tour is self-guided and includes front yards only. Please stay on the public sidewalk, keep 6’ physical distance, and wear a cloth mask if other neighbors are nearby.

  • 3225 Aldrich Ave S.

  • 3136 Colfax Ave S.

  • 3148 Colfax Ave S.

  • 3308 Dupont Ave S.

  • 3316 Dupont Ave S.

  • 3032 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3112 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3141 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3212 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3216 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3401 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3415 Emerson Ave S.

  • 3441 Fremont Ave S.

  • 3141 Hennepin Ave

  • 3405 Hennepin Ave

  • 3429 Hennepin Ave

Garden Tour Program

15-Story Apartment Tower Proposed near Calhoun Square

South Uptown Land Use & Transportation Committee Meeting

Wednesday, July 1, 7:00 PM

Email to get the Zoom meeting link.

Featured Agenda Item: Proposed 1301 & 1409 W. Lake St. Mixed-Use Project 

Local Ventures development group and BKV Architects will present preliminary plans for a 15-story, mixed use project at 1301 and 1409 W. Lake St. The project would replace the vacant lots in front of the Calhoun Square parking ramp, between Girard and Fremont Avenues, with 452 apartments and 11,400 square feet of ground level retail. The structure will include 307 enclosed parking stalls. Check out more details here.

Join the online meeting to hear more details, view the proposed design, and ask questions . All residents, business owners, and property owners are encouraged to attend.  For more information contact Scott Engel at (612) 823-2520 or

1301 West Lake Street Memo

Letter to President Bender

black and white

South Uptown Neighborhood Association

3501 Aldrich Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55408


Council President Bender,

The South Uptown Neighborhood community was devastated by the senseless murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police on May 25th. That all four officers were arrested and charged is a welcome start, but it is not enough.

The MPD has a long history of entrenched racism and violence against our communities, coupled with a chronic denial of justice for victims.  Meanwhile, the City of Minneapolis spends 35% of its general fund budget on policing--the third-highest rate of any major city in the U.S.  The determined, outraged response to George Floyd’s murder is a clear message that the communities of Minneapolis will no longer accept slow reform and empty promises.  The inability or unwillingness of the Minneapolis City Council to adopt radical change in policing has consistently enabled violence against our most vulnerable communities.  Enough is enough!

The recent pledge by a veto-proof majority on the City Council to dismantle the MPD and create a new, transformative model of public safety marks a historic first step in this direction.  We applaud you and your fellow councilmembers for your public commitment to undertaking a systematic change in how we keep each other safe.  We also know that it will take the support and hard work of all of us, your constituents and the citizens of Minneapolis, to make this vision a reality and to hold each other accountable on the road ahead.  

The South Uptown Neighborhood Association and the residents of the neighborhood support you in the mission to secure justice for George Floyd, dismantle the MPD, and transform public health and safety.  With the Bancroft Neighborhood Association, Reclaim the Block, MPD150, and other organizations combating police violence, we ask that you:

1)     Listen first and foremost to the needs, concerns, and solutions put forth by BIPOC leaders and organizations, ensuring steps toward dismantling MPD do not cause further, unintended harm.

2)     To commit to the demands of Reclaim the Block and:

a)     To support lasting decreases in funding for policing as currently structured

b)     To propose and vote for at least a $45 million cut from MPD's budget this year

c)     To redirect MPD budget to protect and expand investment in community/public health and safety strategies

d)     To use your power to compel MPD to immediately cease enacting violence on community members.

3)     Partner directly with neighborhoods in the work to establish community-led public health and safety strategies.  Ensure City funding and actions empower neighborhoods to involve and coordinate their residents, while recognizing the challenges these organizations have faced and presented in past efforts to support racial justice.

With commitment and support,  

South Uptown Neighborhood Association

Resources & How To Help

We are devastated by the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers and the systemic racism that perpetuates similar incidents throughout the country. The following turmoil and destruction throughout Minneapolis and our neighborhood is painful to witness. It is heartening that South Uptown neighbors have come together in this time to watch out for one another, help local businesses, and clean up. The South Uptown Neighborhood Association will continue to work with residents to build community and make connections during these difficult times.

Resources & How to Help

List of Food, Medical, & Financial Assistance

Joyce Uptown Food Shelf

George Floyd Family Go Fund Me

Donate to Help Lake St. Businesses