Monthly CARAG Neighborhood Meeting Minutes: April 18, 2017
CARAG Neighborhood Meeting
April 18, 2017 Minutes
Attending: Blake Bailes, Diana Boegemann, Ginny Buran, Diana Crane, Colin Harris, Brad Klein, Jay Lindgren, Tricia Markle, Nancy Riestenberg
The meeting was called to order at 7:04PM.
Introductions & Announcements
Board members and attendees introduced themselves.
Agenda & Minutes
Motion, seconded to approve the agenda and March 21 meeting minutes,. Approved.
Bryant Square Park, Anthony Dabella
Dabella will serve as the interim Park Director through May while Jason Green recovers from neck surgery.
A playground dedication is scheduled to coordinate with the BSP Concert Series Kick Off event on June 6.
BSP will be getting a Little Free Library for use by the community.
Contact Bryant Square Park at (612) 370-4907 for more information.
10th Ward City Council Update, Ron Harris- Policy Aide
The City is sponsoring a third meeting about the Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction on April 27 at BSP. Public Works staff will present the “preferred concept” at that time and expects to receive City Council approval for the layout in June.
The MN Legislature is considering legislation to restrict cities’ ability to set minimum wage and workplace rules.
Community Environmental Initiatives.
Kara That from the Alliance for Sustainability, Joe Knaeble from LHENA, Stacy Bootscamp from CEE, and Kelly Kish from Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling were in attendance to talk about their initiatives working to reduce human impact on the environment. Presenters and attendees discussed ways neighbors can take action to participate and spread the word about the activities.
NRP Implementation Committee, Jay Lindgren
Michelle Bashum from Bridge for Youth was in attendance to talk about their program and plans to renovate one of their properties called Rita’s House. Rita’s house will be an “intentional community” serving homeless youth.
The East Isles Residents Association (EIRA) approved a $20,000 NRP grant for the Rita’s House project, and the CARAG NRP Implementation Committee is recommending matching that contribution. . Motion Seconded to allocate $20,000 in CARAG NRP funds from Strategy 3.1.5 Cycle of Life Housing as a grant to support the Rita’s House project. Approved.
Lindgren presented a draft letter jointly endorsed by EIRA and CARAG that encourages area neighborhood associations to contribute to the Rita’s House project. Motion, seconded to send the letter, as presented, to surrounding neighborhood associations. Approved.
Development projects in CARAG have generated Park Dedication Fee funding that can be used at Bryant Square Park for capital improvements, so the Implementation Committee recommends using it for air conditioning in the recreation center. Motion, seconded to recommend that MPRB utilize the $37,557 generated from Park Dedication Fees to air conditioning and other improvements at BSP. Approved.
CARAG will receive about $48,000 back each yer over four year totaling $190,000 in “unfrozen” NRP funds. Most of those funds will go towards housing programs, per State law, and the committee will make recommendations about how to allocate that money over the next few months.
Land Use & Transportation Committee, Colin Harris
Harris noted that a committee vacancy was created in January and three candidates were considered by the group. The LU&T Committee unanimously recommends Kayla Mueller to till the vacancy, and she introduced herself. Motion, seconded to select Kayla Mueller as a member of the LU&T committee. Approved.
Input about the planned Hennepin Ave Reconstruction project was due March 27 and the City Council is expected to approve the project layout in May. Many attendees expressed concern about public input and their desire for an additional community meeting. Motion, seconded “”CARAG appreciates the work done so far on the Hennepin ave reconstruction south of Lake street:However, CARAG is concerned about the speed of this fast-track project and requests additional community engagement. At the next engagement meeting, CARAG would like the full vision & time-line for Hennepin ave bicycle and pedestrian improvements North of Lake street to consider in relation to the South side reconstruction. Additionally, CARAG would like to include in the engagement, future bike & pedestrian visions/timelines for the remaining planned streets to be reconstructed within the CARAG Neighborhood.” Approved.
Treasurer’s Report, Scott Engel
The CARAG Operations and NRP Administrative account reports were available through February.
Planning for the Hennepin Lake Community Wine Tasting has begun with a tentative date for the event of October 26 at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.