South Uptown Neighborhood Meeting
October 16, 2018
Draft Minutes
Attending: Jerome Chateau, Sheri Nicole Davis, Blue Delliquante, Max Ellis, Chris Finlay, Brad Klein, John Kostouros, Jason Lord
Absent: Ginny Buran
The meeting was called to order at 7:01PM.
Introductions & Announcements
Board members and attendees introduced themselves.
Agenda & Minutes
Motion, seconded to approve the agenda and Aug 21 meeting minutes,. Approved.
Bryant Square Park, Jason Green- Director
Painter Park closed for renovations and the day care has moved over to BSP.
The Halloween Party is October 30, and wrapped candy donations are welcome. For more info contact (612) 370-4907 or
10th Ward City Council Update, Deanna Pennington- Policy Aide
Pennington noted that their office is planning a Renter event for early November where renter protections will be discussed. South Uptown will help to promote it once details are firmed up.
A 10th Ward Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan workshop is scheduled for October 24. Attendees will get into groups focused on neighborhood and specific plan changes rather than the forum of the previous workshop.
Pennington received and responded to questions and feedback about the draft Minneapolis 2040 Plan. There was discussion about where height and density is directed in the neighborhoods, aesthetics of new development, and how the City has been responding to feedback.
Minneapolis Charter Amendment- Ballot Measure #1, Gayle ?
Noted that Ballot Measure #1 will ask Minneapolis voters to decide whether to revise the Charter to allow businesses throughout the City an opportunity to apply for a full liquor license. The Charter currently restricts businesses to beer/ wine licenses in areas with less than 7 acres of contiguous commercial zoning. The Uptown and Lyn-Lake nodes already exceed the 7-acre rule, but this would allow restaurants in other areas to apply for the full liquor license.
Girard Avenue Reconstruction, Liz Haymen- Public Works
Haymen is the project lead for the planned 2020 reconstruction of Girard Avenue between Lagoon Ave and Lake Street. Public Works is just now beginning the project including assessing pedestrian and traffic counts, as well as some initial community feedback. The street is in poor condition, and the project will completely replace it along with new utilities and traffic signals.
The City wants to keep the significant pedestrian improvements made on the east side when the Walkway apartments were constructed. Other priorities include upgrading sidewalks on the west side and somehow ensuring access for delivery trucks. Public Works will consider many options including making Girard completely pedestrian, adding bike facilities, creating a shared street, and maintaining traffic lanes.
Attendees expressed interest in improving the crossings at Lake and Lagoon with bump-outs or other treatments. Auto traffic currently moves quite slowly on this street and there was discussion about ways to continue that such as maintaining some brick paving. Haymen will look into ways to connect bike lanes on Hennepin (south of Lake) to this street to connect with the Girard bridge over the Midtown Greenway.
Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Scott Engel
Engel presented proposed “Plan Modifications” to the CARAG NRP Action Plan as first proposed at the August 21 meeting. The modifications would cut funding from some NRP Plan strategies and move the money to other active projects. Motion, seconded to approve the Plan Modifications as detailed. Approved.
Converting to South Uptown, Scott Engel
Engel reported that the City has provided legal services to help the organization change the name and eventually convert to a 501-c3 nonprofit. The first step is to rewrite the Articles of Incorporation establishing the South Uptown Neighborhood association. A draft Articles was available, but no action was taken leaving a decision for the November 20 meeting. Draft Bylaws for the South Uptown organization will be drafted soon and they may be presented for approval at the next meeting in November.
Committee Policy, Scott Engel
Engel noted that the Committee Policy details four committees, their responsibilities, and membership. The document is typically reaffirmed each year at the October meeting, but he suggested bringing it back to the November meeting after committee members had time to discuss it further.
Treasurer’s Report, Scott Engel/ Brad Klein
The CARAG Operations and Grants account reports were available through September for review. The Fy18 Year End reports will be available next month.
Engel presented proposed South Uptown Accounting Procedures and Conflict of interest Policy for consideration. The Accounting Procedures detail how the association handles and tracks funds including identifying TruStone Financial as the bank and selecting Max Ellis, Chris Finlay, and Brad Klein as account signers. Motion, seconded to approve the documents as presented. Approved.
The Hennepin and Lake Community Wine Tasting Fundraiser was held on October 11 and it was a big success. It is the organization’s largest source of “unrestricted” funding and results will be available for next month’s meeting.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.