CARAG Board Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2017

Monthly CARAG Neighborhood Meeting Minutes: May 16, 2017

CARAG Neighborhood Meeting
May 16, 2017 Minutes

Attending: Blake Bailes, Diana Boegemann, Diana Crane, Brad Klein, Tricia Markle

Absent: Ginny Buran, Colin Harris, Jay Lindgren, Nancy Riestenberg

The meeting was called to order at 7:06PM.


Introductions & Announcements

Board members and attendees introduced themselves.

Agenda & Minutes

Motion, seconded to approve the agenda and April 18 meeting minutes,. Approved.

Bryant Square Park, Jason Green

Green has returned part-time as Park Director after recovering from neck surgery.
A playground dedication is scheduled to coordinate with the BSP Concert Series Kick Off event on June 6.
BSP will be getting a Little Free Library for use by the community.
BSP will host a magic camp this summer for 9-12 year olds.
Contact Bryant Square Park at (612) 370-4907 for more information.

10th Ward City Council Update, CM Lisa Bender

The City sponsored a third meeting about the Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction on April 27 at BSP. Public Works staff presented the “preferred concept”, which includes on-street bike lanes, parking on the east side, and improved pedestrian facilities.
The MN Legislature is considering legislation to restrict cities’ ability to set minimum wage and workplace rules. However, the City is moving forward on how to implement the $15 minimum wage.

Coup d’ etat, Brent Frederick

– Frederick is the manager at the restaurant and described food selection including brunch. They are sponsoring the 4th annual Rock the Block event on June 3.


Crime & 911 Updates

MPD Crime Prevention Specialist Jennifer Waisnanen discussed recent crime incidents and described ways to prevent becoming a victim.
Deanna Olson and Derek Iverson are supervisors in the 911 emergency response department and described how 911 operators work with the community.

Land Use & Transportation Committee, Blake Bailes

Emi ? from the Great Northern Smokehouse was in attendance to talk about the new restaurant coming to 701 W. Lake Street. The restaurant is seeking a Class C liquor and sidewalk cafe licenses. The Land Use & Transportation Committee discussed the project and recommends approval. Motion, seconded to support the new Great Northern Smokehouse including the liquor and sidewalk cafe licenses. Approved.
The LU&T Committee also discussed the proposed Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction project concept and developed a resolution describing tweaks to the project. Bailes noted that CARAG resident Alex Cecchini developed a concept that incorporated protected bikeways, parking on both sides of the street, and narrower pedestrian crossings. It involves cutting into the grassy boulevard space to put in the parking bays.
Motion, seconded to support the LU&T resolution with an addendum from Bailes supporting the Cecchini concept. Approved.
“ ·       35th/34th/33rd: curb extensions for the side streets should match 32nd intersection

o   Embedded high-quality, high-visibility, long-lasting crosswalks should be at all intersections – we don’t approve of crosswalks only at signals as planned.

Lake St: Current arrangement does not help dangerous-deadly crossing.
o   Make the southbound left-hand lane at Hennepin into a left turn only lane onto eastbound Lake, to eliminate 10’ “merge area” south of Lake

o   Move bus stop at Hennepin and Lake South to incorporate pedestrian bump out at East corner of intersection

o   Hennepin and Lake intersection should have diagonal “barns” dance crosswalk

Lake to 31st block needs to have pull-off bays in each direction for loading/unloading of taxis, Ubers, drop-offs of elderly (3-4 spots each side).
36th St, eliminate slip turn space on east side of street to narrow crosswalk by 8 feet.
Bike lanes

Strong opinions that bike lanes 31st to Lake created a dangerous dead-end bikeway until the rest of Hennepin gets rebuilt


– parking should be improved and coordinated at a district Uptown level. Inefficient and dangerous with current “circling for parking” (CA Pasadena? as example)


Addendum to Resolution: CARAG does not support the current Hennepin Ave proposed design (31st to 36th) due to a priority of cars over bikers and pedestrians. The lack of parking on both sides will create a dangerous situation of pedestrians crossing mid-block. We support the general design proposed by Alex Cecchini which allows for parking on both sides of the street, shorter crosswalks at each intersection, and a protected bike lane (see attached drawing). There also must be a plan to address the bike lanes ending at Lake Street into a chaotic situation without any bike lanes connecting to the greenway.”


Treasurer’s Report, Scott Engel/ Brad Klein

The CARAG Operations and NRP Administrative account reports were available through April for review.

Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.